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Food Menu
served 9 till noon
koulouri sesame bread ring | two organic boiled eggs | feta | tomato | kalamata olives | + add handmade beef sausage 15AEDÂ 48.0048.00 AED
organic scrambled eggs | tomato sauce | beef smoked pastrami | green bell pepper | sweet & smoked paprika | sour dough breadAEDÂ 48.0048.00 AED
AEDÂ 36.0036.00 AED
greek yogurt | cucumber | garlic | dill | olive oil
AEDÂ 28.0028.00 AED
cod roe | white onion | olive oil
AEDÂ 28.0028.00 AED
feta | red & green bell pepper | dill | mint | green chili
AEDÂ 30.0030.00 AED
AEDÂ 7.007.00 AED
wild greens | caramelized nuts | sesame
AEDÂ 37.0037.00 AED
smoked salmon | kale | kohlrabi | carrot | baby marrow | capers | roasted peanuts | anchovy vinaigrette AEDÂ 47.0047.00 AED
feta | tomato | cucumber | green bell pepper | onion | kalamata olives | oregano | olive oil
AEDÂ 39.0039.00 AED
feta | tomato | barley rusk | oregano | olive oil AEDÂ 39.0039.00 AED
butterbeans | tomato | red & green bell pepper | spring onion
AEDÂ 36.0036.00 AED
feta | thyme & pine tree honey | roasted sesame
AEDÂ 49.0049.00 AED
eggplant salad | tahini | grilled spring onionAEDÂ 48.0048.00 AED
beef & lamb meatballs | pulses salad | red bell pepper confit
AEDÂ 45.0045.00 AED
oregano | sea salt
AEDÂ 29.0029.00 AED
feta | oregano | sea salt
AEDÂ 39.0039.00 AED
tomato & green bell pepper stuffed with rice | fresh herbs | baked potatoes | feta AEDÂ 58.0058.00 AED
minced beef & lamb | carrot | baby marrow | avgolemono sauceAEDÂ 70.0070.00 AED
striploin steak | beef pastourma butter | + add a choice of side greek fries | roasted potatoes | grilled veggies | side salad
AEDÂ 98.0098.00 AED
tomato | onion | tzatziki
AEDÂ 35.0035.00 AED
homemade pickles | tomato | onion | lettuce | olive oil mayo
AEDÂ 67.0067.00 AED
wild greens | garlic | roasted cauliflower | almond flakes | lemon-olive oil sauce AEDÂ 64.0064.00 AED
roasted potatoes | tzatziki | cherry tomato | char-grilled baby gem | onion | pita breadAEDÂ 55.0055.00 AED
roasted potatoes | homemade pickles | olive oil mayo | cherry tomato | char-grilled baby gem | onion | pita breadAEDÂ 120.00120.00 AED
minced beef & lamb patty | roasted potatoes | graviera | cherry tomato | char-grilled baby gem | onion | pita breadAEDÂ 65.0065.00 AED
lamb shoulder | roasted potatoes | greek yogurt | cherry tomato | char-grilled baby gem | onion | pita breadAEDÂ 75.0075.00 AED
orange | filo | homemade cinnamon syrupAEDÂ 29.0029.00 AED
greek donutAEDÂ 17.0017.00 AED
greet donut | vanilla custard fillingAEDÂ 22.0022.00 AED
thyme honey | caramelized nutsAEDÂ 32.0032.00 AED
Beverage Menu
Greek Specialty Coffee
AEDÂ 19.0019.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 21.0021.00 AED
AEDÂ 23.0023.00 AED
House Blend
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 19.0019.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 22.0022.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 21.0021.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
Freshly Squeezed Juice
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 20.0020.00 AED
AEDÂ 21.0021.00 AED
Greek Soft Drink
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
AEDÂ 18.0018.00 AED
Non Alcoholic Beer
AEDÂ 26.0026.00 AED
AEDÂ 11.0011.00 AED
AEDÂ 19.0019.00 AED
AEDÂ 15.0015.00 AED
AEDÂ 23.0023.00 AED
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